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Modify web server settings after installation

Step-by-step guide

  1. Stop the PMC Web Service. No jobs need to be stopped for this configuration change.
  2. Navigate to the PMC Installation Folder (typically C:\Program Files\Peer Software\Peer Management Center).
  3. Open the Hub subfolder, and then open the web-configuration subfolder.
  4. Open the config.ini in a text editor.  Note that due to UAC restrictions, it will probably be easier to copy the file on the desktop, modify it there, then copy it back to the web-configuration directory afterwards.

  5. Within this file, there are six total settings that can be modified:  three for http access and three for https access (note that each setting MUST have an = between setting name and value):

    SettingPossible ValuesSet Value
    org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.http.enabled=true/falseSet to true to enable http access. DNS hostname or IP addressSet to or localhost to allow http access to the web service only from the local server. Otherwise, set it to a network IP address or DNS name.
    org.osgi.service.http.port=Numerical portSet the port for http access.  By default, this is set to 8081.
    org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.https.enabled=true/falseSet to true to enable https access. DNS hostname or IP address

    Set to or localhost to allow https access to the web service only from the local server.  Otherwise, set it to a network IP address or DNS name. portSet the port for https access.  By default, this is set to 8443.
  6. Save and close the ini file.

  7. Copy the ini file into the workspace directory if it was modified on the desktop in Step 4.
  8. Restart the PMC Web Service.

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