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PMC or Agent installation error: An internal error occurred (error code: 20)


Shortly after double-clicking on the PMC or Agent installer, the process terminates with the following error:

An internal error occurred (error code: 20)
Log: C:\Users\USER\AppData\Loal\Tempi4j_nlog_X.log


Examining the log file from the error message shows the following entries at the bottom:

-r "jre\lib\charsets.jar.pack" "jre\lib\charsets.jar"
could not create unpack process

The installers are unable to initialize and execute because an anti-virus or another security software is preventing the execution of a process in the temp directory.


The solution is to temporarily stop any anti-virus or security software that may interfere with the installer's unpack process into the temp directory.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.