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Best Practices: PeerGFS and FSLogix Design Considerations

FSLogix provides the ability to roam profiles in remote computing environments by storing a complete user profile in a single container.  At user sign in, this container is dynamically attached to the remote computing environment as a natively supported virtual hard disk (VHD or VHDX formats).  The user's profile is immediately available and appears in the system exactly like a native user profile. 

PeerGFS can replicate the container files and user data in multi-sitemulti-platform, and hybrid multi-cloud environments, making them highly available across environments.

Interaction between PeerGFS and FSLogix

PeerGFS can replicate the container files with other file servers only while a user remains logged out of their profile.  When a user is logged into their profile, FSLogix places a write handle on its associated profile container, and any changes made to the profile cannot be replicated until logoff.  When a user logs out of their profile, PeerGFS can replicate any changes made to the profile container within seconds of the logoff or on a schedule.  Profile containers can take advantage of PeerGFS’s delta-level replication functionality where only the changed segments of the underlying virtual hard disk are replicated.  

Achieving real-time replication with FSLogix containers

Microsoft Windows allows the redirection of specified folders (e.g., Downloads, Desktop, Documents) into standard CIFS/SMB shares.  PeerGFS can replicate the contents of those folders in real-time, including “Sync-on-Save” functionality for specific applications (e.g., Microsoft Office).  With redirection, customers can achieve real-time protection and availability for specified files and folders and scheduled or end-of-workday protection for container files.


FSLogix stores data in container files.  Data stored within the container will not be replicated in real-time.  Replication can occur only while the user is signed-off and the profile container is unlocked.  Real-time replication of file data is possible when specified folders are redirected outside of the container and into CIFS/SMB shares.

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