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Increase the memory allocated to PMC services

Starting with Peer Global File Service v5.2, the maximum memory allocated to the services of the Peer Management Center (PMC) defaults to between 2 GB and 4 GB, up from between 1GB and 2GB in previous versions.  These defaults are generally sufficient for basic file collaboration, synchronization, and replication.  However, it may be necessary to increase memory allocation for heavier workloads (e.g., VDI/profile synchronization) or under the following conditions: 

  • The memory allocated to the PMC Rich Client (PL-Hub.exe on Windows only) may need to be increased if you are dealing with many quarantined files or many jobs in the PMC's UI (e.g., ranging from tens to potentially hundreds, and a significant number of quarantines, varying from hundreds to possibly thousands).
  • The memory allocated to the PMC Web Service (PL-Hub-Web-Service.exe on Windows or PL-Hub-Web-Service on Linux) may need to be increased if the PMC's web client is being used to manage many quarantined files or many jobs, or if you have many admins/users accessing the PMC web client.
  • The memory allocated to the Peer Management Broker (PL-Broker.exe on Windows or PL-Broker on Linux) and the Peer Management Center Service (PL-Hub-Service.exe on Windows or PL-Hub-Service on Linux) may need to be increased to
  • improve performance when managing heavy real-time activity and large backlogs.  The Broker will typically consume about half the amount of memory that the Peer Management Center Service does.

We recommend using a memory allocation ratio of 1:4 for the PMC Client/PMC Web Service in comparison to the Peer Management Center Service, and a ratio of 1:2 for the Peer Management Broker compared to the Peer Management Center Service.

Step-by-step guide

Increase PMC Rich Client Memory

The PMC Rich Client is available only on Windows and can be accessed only when using the server's console or connecting into the server via RDP.

To increase the memory setting for the PMC Rich Client:

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  1. Stop all running jobs.
  2. Close the PMC Rich Client if open.
  3. Create a file called PL-Hub.vmoptions in the PMC installation folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\Peer Software\Peer Management Center\):
    Example location of the PL-Hub.vmoptions file

  4. Type the following line -Xmx2048m in the file.  2048 represents the amount of memory to allocate to the Java-based PMC Client in MB.  We do not recommend setting this value above 16 GB (-Xmx16384m).
    Example PL-Hub.vmoptions file
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. If you are adjusting the memory setting for other Peer Management components, skip this step and perform the restart at the end. 

    If not, open Windows Services and restart the Peer Management Broker service, which will restart the entire set of Peer Management services.

Increase PMC Web Service Memory

To increase the memory setting for the PMC Web Service:

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  1. Stop all running jobs.
  2. Close any HTTPS connections to the PMC Web Service.  If you are using the PMC Rich Client on Windows, close it.
  3. Create a file called PL-Hub-Web-Service.vmoptions in the PMC installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Peer Software\Peer Management Center\ or /opt/peersoftware/peer-management-center):
    Example location of the PL-Hub-Web-Service.vmoptions file

  4. Type the following line -Xmx2048m in the file.  2048 represents the amount of memory to allocate to the Java-based PMC Web Service in MB.  We do not recommend setting this value above 16 GB (-Xmx16384m).
    Example PL-Hub-Web-Service.vmoptions file
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. If you are adjusting the memory setting for other Peer Management components, skip this step and perform the restart at the end. 

    If not:

    1. If Peer Management Center is installed on a Windows server, open Windows Services and restart the Peer Management Broker service, which will restart the entire set of Peer Management services.

    2. If Peer Management Center is installed on a Linux server, run the following command to restart the appropriate services:

      sudo sh /opt/peersoftware/peer-management-center/tools/

Increase Broker Memory

To increase the memory setting for the Peer Management Broker:

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  1. Stop all running jobs.
  2. Close any HTTPS connections to the PMC Web Service. If you are using the PMC Rich Client on Windows, close it.
  3. Create a file called PL-Broker.vmoptions in the Broker subfolder of the PMC installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Peer Software\Peer Management Center\Broker\ -or- /opt/peersoftware/peer-management-center/Broker):
    Example location of the PL-Broker.vmoptions file
  4. Type the following line -Xmx4096m in the file.  4096 represents the amount of memory to allocate to the Java-based Peer Management Broker Service in MB.  We do not recommend setting this value above 16 GB (-Xmx16384m).
    Example PL-Broker.vmoptions file
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. If you are adjusting the memory setting for other Peer Management components, skip this step and perform the restart at the end. 

    If not:

    1. If Peer Management Center is installed on a Windows server, open Windows Services and restart the Peer Management Broker service, which will restart the entire set of Peer Management services.

    2. If Peer Management Center is installed on a Linux server, run the following command to restart the appropriate services:

      sudo sh /opt/peersoftware/peer-management-center/tools/

Increase PMC Service Memory

To increase the memory setting for the PMC Service:

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  1. Stop all running jobs.
  2. Close any HTTPS connections to the PMC Web Service. If you are using the PMC Rich Client on Windows, close it.
  3. Create a file called PL-Hub-Service.vmoptions in the PMC installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Peer Software\Peer Management Center\ -or- /opt/peersoftware/peer-management-center/):
    Example location of the PL-Hub-Service.vmoptions file
  4. Type the following line -Xmx8192m in the file.  8192 represents the amount of memory to allocate to the Java-based Peer Management Center Service in MB.  We do not recommend setting this value above 16 GB (-Xmx16384m).
    Example PL-Hub-Service.vmoptions file
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. If you are adjusting the memory setting for other Peer Management components, skip this step and perform the restart at the end. 

    If not:

    1. If Peer Management Center is installed on a Windows server, open Windows Services and restart the Peer Management Broker service, which will restart the entire set of Peer Management services.

    2. If Peer Management Center is installed on a Linux server, run the following command to restart the appropriate services:

      sudo sh /opt/peersoftware/peer-management-center/tools/


To expedite these processes, you have the option to download and extract the *.vmoptions files from the provided zip files.  Simply choose the file corresponding to the total physical memory on your PMC server:

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