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Schedule upload of PMC and Agent logs to Peer Software Support

If Peer Software Support has requested that you schedule nightly uploads of PMC and Agent logs, you need to create a task using Task Scheduler to automatically collect and upload the logs.

Before you begin

Firewall settings

Ensure that your firewall settings are configured correctly.  To learn about the firewall ports that may affect log uploads, see What firewall settings are needed to enable PeerGFS uploads and download software updates?

Log security

Keep the following information in mind:

  • All log packages are encrypted on the PMC server before being uploaded, and they remain encrypted afterward.

  • Logs are uploaded to Amazon S3 using the HTTPS protocol for secure transmission.

  • Logs are stored in a private S3 account, with restricted access granted exclusively to Peer Software team members for troubleshooting and environmental checkups.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open Peer Management Center.

  2. Select the Preferences icon from the toolbar, and then select Task Scheduler from the navigation tree.

  3. Click the Create button.

    Create a Task.png

    The Task Scheduler wizard opens; the first page of the wizard, General Information, is displayed.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the task (for example, Nightly Logs).

    General Information.png

    For Solution, select Peer Management Center from the pull-down menu.

  5. In the Job/Task Types field, select Retrieve PMC/Agent Logs.

    Selecting Retrieve Logs.png
  6. Click Next. The Schedule Task page appears.

  7. Under Settings, select Daily and then for Start, select a start date and start time. The start time should be after midnight.

    Scheduling the task.png
  8. Keep the defaults for the Advanced Settings section.

  9. Click Next. The Options page appears.

  10. Make the following selections in the dialog that appears

    1. In the Log Collection Options section:

      • Enter 1 for the Include logs newer than x days field.

      • Select Collect system event logs if not already selected.

      • Select the Include topology statistics checkbox.

    2. In the Encryption and Support Options section, select Upload log files and telemetry to Peer Software Support.

    3. Select any other options that you want. For information about options on this page, see the Peer Global File Service User Guide.

      Options selections.png
  11. Click Finish and then click Apply and Close. Your task is now listed in Task Scheduler.

    Task is now present.png

    After the task runs, the logs will automatically be uploaded to Peer Software Support.

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