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What is File Activity Analytics?

File Activity Analytics is a new set of capabilities within PeerIQ v6.1 that leverages real-time-based summary data from Peer Agents to provide insights and trends about the unstructured data that resides on your storage infrastructure. It leverages the same real-time engine used by our standalone File Activity Analyzer tool.

File Activity Analytics within PeerIQ builds on the capabilities of the File Activity Analyzer tool and adds:

  • Support for both SMB and NFS

  • A centralized and easy-to-use set of reports that cover all of your file servers

  • Rich history and trending details

This initial release of PeerIQ with File Activity Analytics provides a report about user access patterns across file servers. It also offers a list of top users by activity. Upcoming updates to PeerIQ v6.1 will add pages around client IPs, most active extensions, and most active folders.

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