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What is File System Analytics?

File System Analytics is a new set of capabilities within PeerIQ v6.0 that leverages scan-based data from Peer Agents to provide insights and trends about the unstructured data that resides on your storage infrastructure. It leverages the same scan engine used by our standalone File System Analyzer tool.

File System Analytics within PeerIQ builds on the capabilities of the File System Analyzer tool and adds:

  • Support for both SMB and NFS

  • A centralized and easy-to-use set of reports that cover all of your file servers

  • Rich history and trending details

This initial release of PeerIQ with File System Analytics provides a detailed report about file types and extensions, as well as reports built around file timestamps and aging.

Scans are set to run every Saturday at 9PM and will currently cover all volumes that are under real-time management of PeerGFS. Both of these will be configurable in future releases of PeerIQ.

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