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Configure PeerSync Listener's advanced settings

PeerSync Listener is a mandatory part of the ByteReplicator option and the TCP Wan Connector and has to be installed, configured, and running on the target side before a successful byte-level synchronization can be run or a TCP connection established.

When using ByteReplicator, keep in mind that:

  • The Target Path of the PeerSync Profile  cannot be an FTP Target.
  • The PSListener Service has been installed, set up, and is running on the Target Machine.
  • The PeerSync license has an available Remote Connection License(s) with ByteReplicator.

When using TCP Wan Connector, keep in mind that:

  • The Source/Target Path of the PeerSync Profile  cannot be an FTP Source/Target.
  • The PSListener Service has been installed, set up, and is running on the Target Machine.
  • The PeerSync license has the TCP Wan Connector Option enabled.

Step-by-step guide

To set up PeerSync Listener's Advanced options:

  1. Locate the PSLConfig.exe file located in the PeerSync Listener installation directory (by default, is set to C:\Program Files\PeerSync Listener), and then double-click it.
    The PeerSync Listener Configuration window will appear.  It contains several options that can affect the way in which the ByteReplicator feature runs.  Among these options are TCP Port, Max Thread Count, Logging, Priority, and CPU Utilization. For a description of each of these options and what they do, see the PSListHelp.chm file located in the same directory as the PSLConfig.exe executable.
  2. Make the appropriate changes to the options.
  3. Fromm the File menu, select Save.
    Your saved settings will be applied to the PSListener service within the time set by the Reload Interval option. Note that if you changed the Application Priority or the TCP Port, you will have to restart the service.
  4. To restart the service, open up the Services window, right-click PS Listener Utility Software, and then select Restart.
    The service should then shut down and then start itself up again.
See the PSListHelp.chm document in the PeerSync Listener installation directory for a detailed description of ByteReplicator features and how to set it up.

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