Check for a new version of PeerGFS
You can check to see whether a new version of PeerGFS has been released by using the Check for Updates functionality within Peer Management Center. If a minor update is available, you can proceed to immediately install the new version. If a major upgrade is available, you must first obtain a new license by submitting the Peer Global File Service Upgrade Form. You should also back up your PeerGFS configuration before installing a major upgrade.
See Peer Software Lifecycle Policy to learn more about Peer Software major and minor releases.
Update versus upgrade
Although update and upgrade are often used interchangeably in the technology world, an update (or patch) is typically an enhancement to the current version of the software, while an upgrade is typically a whole new version of the software. Overall, the processes for updating and upgrading are very similar. However, an upgrade requires a new version license and a few additional steps.
See the Step-by-step guide section for detailed instructions for checking for a new version of PeerGFS. Instructions for installing the new version are provided in the following knowledge base articles:
Step-by-step guide
If you are running Peer Management Center on a Windows Server and have access to the rich client, you can use the UI to check for, download, and install updates. If you do not have access to the rich client or are running on a Linux server, there are convenience scripts available within the installation folder of Peer Management Center.
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- Peer Software Lifecycle Policy
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